Espace audiovisuel

The First President of the Court of Accounts meets with her French counterpart

The First President of the Court of Accounts meets with her French counterpart

The Court of Accounts organizes the signing ceremony for the Statute of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions with Jurisdictional Functions (JURISAI)

The Court of Accounts organizes the signing ceremony for the Statute of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions with Jurisdictional Functions (JURISAI)

The Court of Accounts takes part in G20 Supreme Audit Institutions Summit

The Court of Accounts takes part in G20 Supreme Audit Institutions Summit

Signature of memorandum of understanding between the Court of Accounts and its Libyan counterpart

Signature of memorandum of understanding between the Court of Accounts and its Libyan counterpart

The Court of Accounts hosts an international symposium on the independence of Supreme Audit Institutions

The Court of Accounts hosts an international symposium on the independence of Supreme Audit Institutions

The Court of Accounts of the Kingdom of Morocco and UAE Accountability Authority strengthen their partnership in the field of Supreme Public Finances Auditing  

The Court of Accounts of the Kingdom of Morocco and UAE Accountability Authority strengthen their partnership in the field of Supreme Public Finances Auditing  

Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may God assist him, the Court of Accounts organized an international conference under the theme “Liability before the supreme audit institutions, Achievement and prospects”

Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may God assist him, the Court of Accounts organized an international conference under the theme “Liability before the supreme audit institutions, Achievement and prospects”

Participation of the Court of Accounts at the World Government Summit in the United Arab Emirates

Participation of the Court of Accounts at the World Government Summit in the United Arab Emirates

The Court of Accounts receives a delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The Court of Accounts receives a delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Participation of the Court of Accounts  in the work of the 67th meeting of the Executive Council of ARABOSAI held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on December 06 and 07, 2023

Participation of the Court of Accounts  in the work of the 67th meeting of the Executive Council of ARABOSAI held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on December 06 and 07, 2023

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