

- Event

The Court of Audit participates in the meeting of the Board of External Accounts of the African Union

La Cour des comptes participe à la réunion du Conseil des vérificateurs externes de l’Union Africaine

The Court of Accounts participated remotely, in its capacity as a permanent member of the Council of External Auditors of the African Union, in its meeting which was held on December 6 and 7, 2022 in Addis Ababa. On this occasion, Mrs. Zineb EL Adaoui, First President of the Court of Accounts, stressed the importance of joint action between the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) component of the said Council, for the benefit of the African Union and its countries, and the need to boost the dynamism of the audit, considering that this council is an important mechanism of accountability and improvement of public management so as to meet the main expectations of citizens on the African continent.

This Board of External Auditors of the African Union is composed of the Presidents of the Supreme Audit Institutions of six first level audit institutions representing the countries contributing the most to the African Union budget; namely Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, Angola, Algeria and South Africa, as well as five (05) institutions each representing one of the five geographical regions that make up the African Continent (North, South, East, West and Center).

This meeting focused mainly on the adoption of the auditing strategy of the African Union for the year 2022, which will be audited during the next year, as well as the definition of the auditing plan and the distribution of missions between the supreme audit institutions, members of the above-mentioned Council. Dans ce cadre, la cour des comptes a été chargée de la vérification des axes liés à la gestion des investissements, aux fonds des partenaires et à la gestion financière au niveau de la commission de l’Union africaine.Within this framework, the Court of Accounts has been requested to audit the areas related to the management of investments, partners’ funds and financial management at the level of the African Union Commission. As for the level of the organs of the African Union, it was entrusted with the missions of auditing the accounts of the Agency of the New Partnership for the Development of Africa (AUDA-NEPAD) and the economic, social and cultural council.

It should be noted that the Court of Accounts has been contributing, since 2018, to the audit of the accounts of the African Union which concerned, for the year 2021, the African Parliament, the management of human resources at the level of the African Union Commission and the permanent representation of the Union to the United Nations and the World Trade Organization in Geneva.