- Event
Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may God assist him, the Court of Accounts organized an international conference under the theme “Liability before the supreme audit institutions, Achievement and prospects”
Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may God assist him, the Court of Accounts organized an international conference under the theme “Liability before the supreme audit institutions, Achievement and prospects” on Thursday, February 22nd, at the headquarters of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat.
This conference comes in the wake of the Sovereign’s call to enshrine the values of good governance, transparency and liability, and to strengthen the foundations of governance by adopting the principle of correlation between the responsibility for and the rendering of accounts. . The high solicitude with which His Majesty the King surrounds this conference reflects the Sovereign’s desire to open the Kingdom to international experiences, to consolidate its achievements and to present its experience in this area.
This conference aims to deepen the debate on the means of strengthening control in the face of the challenges that SAIs experience, mainly those linked to the evolution of their institutional environments and the profound changes that public management is experiencing, in addition to the need to comply with the requirements of liability and fair disciplinary proceedings. It is also a question of examining the question of the responsibility of public managers, directly, for SAIs with jurisdictional functuins, and indirectly, through other bodies for SAIs with non-jurisdictional functions.
The conference is punctuated by a number of interventions in three panels, which will respectively focus on “the liability of public managers before the SAIs, foundations and principles”, “the liability of public managers before the SAI’s facing of the imperative of efficiency and impact” and “the future of the liability of public managers before the SAIs”. The conference will close with the reading of a letter addressed to His Majesty the King by the participants.
This conference saw the participation of several heads of control institutions under the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions of Public Finances, with the presence of ministerial officials, representatives of constitutional institutions and moroccan civil society members..