

Dated - Publications

Auditing the management of the Moroccan National Tourist Office (onmt) : summary report

The promotion of tourism in Morocco lies within the scope of competence of the Moroccan National Tourist Office (ONMT) pursuant to the provisions of the Dahir constituting Law n°1-74-16 of 28 April 1976. The Of fice was also assigned the mission of creating, developing and managing the facilities which contribute to the development of tourism, especially accommodation. The management of the tourism sector witnessed a fundamental milestone in 2001 with the signature of the Framework Agreement 2001-2010 and its implementation Agreement, which made it possible to lay the groundwork to initiate a contract-based management hinging on a program-contract over the period 2001-2010.
This vision was meant to start a momentum of tourism development over the entire decade and “make of Morocco one of the premier-ranked destinations in the planet”.
The targeted objective is to reach an inbound tourism flow of 10 million visitors, 50 million overnight stays, 48 billion MAD of foreign exchange revenues and a
contribution of 20% of the tourist sector to GDP by 2010.
The commercial momentum, whose promotion strategy is an essential component, constitutes a key element of such vision aiming at “restoring the competitiveness of Morocco as a destination and product”. It was agreed in this respect to reorganize the entire promotion apparatus with a view to designing, in collaboration with the relevant professionals, a promotion policy that is more creative, reactive and adapted to the relevant needs.


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