

Dated - Publications

Performance Audit of The Development and Co-operation Office

Law n° 24.83 establishing the general statute of co -operatives and the missions of the Development and Co-operation Office1 (DCO), promulgated in 1984, specified the mission of DCO, making of it the body in charge of the implementation of government policy in the field of co-operatives.
DCO was tasked, inter alia, with centralizing and examining the applications for the incorporation of co-operatives, assisting co-operatives in the areas of training, information, amicable settlement of disputes arising among co-operators and making sure that co-operatives meet the requirements of the principles of co-operation provided under the law…


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- Publications

Delegated management of local public services : Summary Report

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- Publications

Management audit of the Moroccan Company for Tourism Engineering (SMIT) : Summary Report

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